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Unnecessary CI/CD for university students

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Anything but Eclipse

Eclipse is the required IDE for the intro to Java classes at OSU, Software I and II. This is unfortunate for obvious reasons. But how required is it?

VSCode Dev Environment

I’m not a master of Java build systems. I knew that I wanted to use vscode so I just did it the vscode way and did not introduce gradle or anything like that. The projects which are required in the class don’t need all the bells and whistles provided by fancy build systems. I needed to link like, one .jar file. I used the following vscode extensions

Then after a little bit of configuring vscode’s settings.json to find the right JDK as installed by my flake.nix, it’s off to the races. Now I get nice interactions with Java, even running tests inline. That is to say that it is about as nice as Java can be to write…so…yay…?

Templating Eclipse Projects

Now the project has a nice and flat file structure, looking something like


The reverse of requirement 1 can be done to generate an Eclipse project in the way the grader’s expect one. Just unzip their template, delete all their .java files (and bin files…I have no idea why they’re in there to be honest), and copy in my own src/*.java and test/*.java files, then re-zip it!

cp -r --no-preserve=mode,ownership ${projectTemplate} project
rm -rf project/{src,test,bin,lib}
mkdir project/{bin,lib} # the dirs need to exist for some reason even if they're empty...
sed -i 's/${projectTemplateName}/${projectName}/' project/.project
mkdir project/{src,test}
cp src/*.java project/src
cp test/*.java project/test
cd project && zip -r ../ . && cd ..
cp "$out/${projectName}.zip"

Of course it is a shell script so that I can use it throughout the semester. Ain’t no way I’m going to zip the same thing for 8 different projects by clicking through a GUI.

Printing Code to File

And now for the most tedious requirement of them all. The graders need to mark up the code, and Canvas (the Learning Management System (LMS)) that OSU uses only supports adding comments to PDFs. So for every submission, every Java file needs to be printed to a PDF in Eclipse. Take a look at the excruciating horror of this activity in the gif below, if you dare.

The filenames of the PDFs have to be the same as the Java file name/class name, but Eclipse doesn’t automatically name the file correctly so I have to type it in manually for every file. The only speedup that isn’t in the gif would be to use Ctrl+P to print instead of going to File -> Print with the mouse. In total throughout the course I had 35 Java files which needed to be exported. And keep in mind that that number does not include multiple submissions, so if I realize I made a mistake before the deadline I’d have to reprint all the changed files again (and I can tell you that I did, a number of times throughout the semester).

So to get away from Eclipse and to automate this, I needed to figure out a way to have the same printed PDF. Eclipse doesn’t have a headless mode, which means I’d have to do a puppeteer-esque technique to print them out. Instead, it was easier to approximate what the output would look like by converting my .java files to PDF with good ol’ HTML and CSS. This would be (slightly) less janky, and could run in CI where the containers are not very powerful and do not have full on desktop environments to be clicking around in.

One script later which calls pandoc with some custom CSS to turn a .java into .html, then weasyprint to turn the .html into .pdf, and out comes a very similar looking PDF. The first PDF below is a sample Java file printed with Eclipse (from the gif above), and the second one is printed with the custom script.

It doesn’t look quite the same, but it serves the same purpose, which is for graders to mark up the code. And, as a side note, Eclipse’s printing is not perfectly consistent either. If you zoom in on the code view, it will zoom in on the print too. If you change the font in the editor, it will change the font in the print. And if you change the color theme, it will also change the colors in the print. Considering that, I think the script gets close enough (and I wanted to get started on actually working on the assigned projects eventually).


Now all the building blocks have been set up to use vscode, and a lot of it has been automated with scripts. I like using continuous integration with GitHub Actions to validate that everything works on every push to the project. But what does continuous delivery mean in the context of a class assignment? Submitting it of course! Let’s take a look at a high level overview of the workflow.

Thats right! Canvas is really cool open source software with JSON and GraphQL APIs. OSU uses a standard hosted instance by Instructure (the company which develops Canvas), where the API is enabled by default! So I wrote a GitHub Action in TypeScript which uses the API to handle all the file uploads and doing the actual submission.

Here’s an example workflow of using the Canvas Submit Action, available on the GitHub Action Marketplace:

name: Submit

    name: Submit assignment
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Make
        run: make

      - name: Submit to Canvas
        uses: mbund/canvas-submit-action@v1
        if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, ':rocket:')
          url: ${{ secrets.CANVAS_URL }}
          token: ${{ secrets.CANVAS_TOKEN }}
          file: upload-test.pdf

Where CANVAS_URL is something like, which is the url that you get when you navigate to the assignment on the actual site.

The command line beckons

My freshman year roommate once asked me how I used my computer. I wasn’t sure what he meant at first. But after asking more, it turns out that he wasn’t confused by Linux or Gnome, he thought vscode was my desktop environment, because I never left it. I realized that he was kind of right.

VSCode is my file manager, text editor, terminal emulator, and do-everything-er. It’s emacs for zoomers. The one thing I used to do for school that was not already in vscode was using Canvas, because it is a website. So after the incredible revelation of learning about the Canvas API, I knew the next project I’d be working on.

I took what I learned from making the Canvas Submit Action and turned it into a tool to use Canvas from the command line. Here is a gif of me using it to upload files to submit an assignment

It is a single static binary written in Rust. There is also functionality to use it programmatically instead of interactively, to download files from courses, and more coming soon! This has been a life changer for me, so I never have to leave vscode again.

(side note: check out charmbracelet/vhs, it is a super awesome tool that lets you automate generating GIFs of CLI tools like the one above)

(side note: I don’t use LaTeX anymore, instead I use Typst which is better in every way)

Linting so I don’t lose points

OSU’s Computer Science curriculum also includes C and x86 assembly courses, known as Systems I and II. Systems I has an extensive style guide for writing C code, which includes rules such as:

After getting bit by some of them after submitting my first lab, I never wanted to make that mistake again. So I wrote a linter in Rust using Tree-sitter to statically parse the C code and check for these rules. Take the following file (example.c), as an example.

#include <stdio.h>

#define pi 3.141592653589
#define TAU (2 * pi)

unsigned int globalOneThousand = 1000;

// Do some math
double calculate(unsigned long long x) {
  unsigned long long final_value;

  // make sure x is even
  if (x % 2 == 0) {
    final_value = x;
  } else {
    final_value = x + 1;

  // multiply final value by 3/2
  final_value = final_value / 2;
  final_value = final_value * 3;

  // round final value down to nearest 100
  while (final_value % 100 != 0) {

  // multiply by tau for some reason?
  double actualFinalValue = final_value * TAU;

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("The final value is %llu\n", final_value);

  printf("The actual final value is %f\n",

  return actualFinalValue;

int main() {
  double value = calculate(37);
  printf("The value is %f\n", value);

  return 0;

The linter produces the following output for the above C code.

example.c:3:9 Macro is not SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE `#define pi 3.141592653589`
example.c:6:1 Global variable `unsigned int globalOneThousand = 1000;`
example.c:6:14 Camel case identifier contributes to case inconsistency `globalOneThousand`
example.c:9:8 Function has more than 10 lines (11) `double calculate(unsigned long long x) {`
  1) example.c:13:6 Counted if condition for 1 line `  if (x % 2 == 0) {`
  2) example.c:14:5 Counted expression for 1 line `    final_value = x;`
  3) example.c:16:5 Counted expression for 1 line `    final_value = x + 1;`
  4) example.c:20:3 Counted expression for 1 line `  final_value = final_value / 2;`
  5) example.c:21:3 Counted expression for 1 line `  final_value = final_value * 3;`
  6) example.c:24:9 Counted while condition for 1 line `  while (final_value % 100 != 0) {`
  7) example.c:25:5 Counted expression for 1 line `    final_value--;`
  8) example.c:29:10 Counted definition for 1 line `  double actualFinalValue = final_value * TAU;`
  9) example.c:35:3 Counted expression for 2 lines `  printf("The actual final value is %f\n",`
  10) example.c:38:10 Counted return for 1 line `  return actualFinalValue;`
example.c:10:22 Snake case identifier contributes to case inconsistency `final_value`
example.c:29:10 Camel case identifier contributes to case inconsistency `actualFinalValue`
example.c:41:5 Missing comment directly above function `int main() {`

The goal is not to catch every error with the automated linter. Some rules are far too nebulous to be a programmable rule. But for the ones that can be coded, the linter is conservative. Every lint that it detects is absolutely, positively, 100% in violation of the style guide. There are no “maybe” warnings. By the way, the starter code for one of the labs that you are not supposed to edit generates linting errors, and I don’t know what to do.

Electric Boogaloo

You know the drill by now. Let’s make a GitHub Action. However, now we’re dealing with C. This is not a write once, run anywhere kind of language (though it does run on more than 3 billion devices). If gcc generates any warning, I get an immediate 0 on the lab. We’re not dealing with peanut stakes here.

The required environment for the course is to write and run C code in stdlinux, which is just a server to ssh into that is hosted by the university. I prefer the development environment on my own machine, so I need to ensure that I am using the same compiler toolchain as the graders will be using. However I use NixOS, so binaries from other distros don’t exactly just run. And I want the same environment in CI too. So I did the obvious thing and made a quick docker container which is just pulling from the same version of linux that stdlinux is running, namely centos:7.9.2009. Then it installs gcc, make, zip, and a few other tools needed to build.

By the way, the stdlinux-compat docker container I made is itself using a GitHub Action to build a Dockerfile, and publishes the image to (the GitHub Container Registry) so I can pull from it later.

Here’s the high level overview of the complete workflow

Notice that I didn’t actually use the Canvas Submit Action. Instead, I just pulled the latest GitHub Release from canvas-cli since it is just a single static binary.


I still have a few semesters left, so if I come up with some other novel automation, I’ll be sure to update this post. Thanks for reading!