👋 Hi! I'm Mark
I'm Computer Science and Engineering Student at the Ohio State University, interested in web development, system administration, and bleeding edge technology. I like to write about my projects and things I've learned.
Read the blog posts below or check my socials for more info.
Recent Posts
- Published: (13 min read)
I made a really large authorized_keys file, see if you can log in to my server: ssh keys.mbund.dev
- Published: (19 min read)
A somewhat comprehensive guide to neat features and tricks on GitHub that you might not know about.
- Published: (14 min read)
Python is often recommended for beginners, especially because of the recent AI bubble. But I'd argue it has a lot of issues.
- Published: (19 min read)
Classes tend to have submission formats that are followed throughout the whole semester. We can automate that for (minimal) profit.
What do I do?
...I build full stack applications.
This is Rhombus, a Jeopardy style competition platform with a cohesive
and modern user interface for hosting CTF events. Written with bleeding
edge tools like Rust, TypeScript, Solid.js, and TailwindCSS.
Go to project • Go to website

...I make tools to improve efficiency.
This is Canvas CLI, a command line interface to submit class assignments
and download files. Compatible with any institution using Instructure's
Canvas Learning Management System. Written in Rust using official REST
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...I prototype quickly to scratch my curious itches.
This is the OSU Course Dependency Visualizer, a visualization of every
course available at the Ohio State University and what prerequisites
are required for them as an explorable DAG. Writen with TypeScript and
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...I think about privacy and data.
This is my homelab dashboard. I run numerous services (>25) on my
home server using Kubernetes, following GitOps principles. Metrics and
logs are easily monitored with Grafana. I use it for data sovereignty,
learning, and fun.
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...I dive deeper into technical topics.
This is the Decompiler Explorer. Sometimes the best way to learn about
compilers is by learning about decompilers. I apply my existing knowledge
to find the best way for me to learn something new.
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...I write CTF challenges
These are a few cybersecurity based challenges I've written for the Cybersecurity
Club at OSU. I explore topics like XSS, CSRF, command injection, and
more (see Minecraft hacking).
...and I write a technical blog! Read some of my posts, or have a look at some of my other projects on GitHub.